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Reasons Why Facebook Is Important for Your Business

In the digitized 21st century, where people don’t put down their phones for more than 10 minutes, it is almost impossible to run your business without social media. It makes it much easier to keep in touch with the customers: let them know all the updates, news, special offers, etc. And if Instagram is mostly captured by the bloggers, celebrities, and coaches, Facebook is still number one for businesses, doesn’t matter big ones or small. In order to learn more about the importance of Facebook, its reviews and likes, stay tuned and keep reading.

1. What is the importance of Facebook?

The first question that could appear in your mind – why is Facebook so important?

For starters, it allows you to get to know your audience better. With the help of interactions, comments, and likes, you can learn what people like the most, which products are their favorites, and what kind of content is the most popular among them.

Moreover, on Facebook, you can increase the credibility level by humanizing your brand. Don’t know how? Introduce the head of the business, tell real stories from the working process, communicate with the audience.

And of course, don’t forget about SEO. By posting relevant and useful content that is popular among the followers, you can boost your business and hit the top spots in Google.

2. Why are Facebook Reviews important?

Before talking about why Facebook Reviews are important, let’s find out what it is. Facebook Reviews – is a star system where clients can rank your business, share their opinions on it in the comments, and chat about their experience with your services. You can see the rating at the top of the Facebook page.

But still, why should you pay attention to Facebook Reviews if some people do not even use social media? The answer is simple – when googling a specific business, you can see the Facebook rating in Google Search. There is an information box on the right with the basic info: name, phone number, photos, and Facebook stars. So, anyone can see its popularity among customers.

3. Are Facebook Likes important for business?

Continuing the topic of a successful Facebook page, you shouldn’t forget about such aspects as Facebook Likes. At first sight, it may seem not important but don’t delude yourself. The amount of likes on your page shows how well-known your brand is.

Moreover, likes spread awareness of your brand among people. The chain reaction starts when your customers like your post. Then their friends see it and may become interested in the services you offer. Thanks to that you get new customers. Pretty easy, right?

And don’t forget about the “herd instinct”. Users are more likely to pay attention to posts with a bigger amount of likes rather than to unpopular ones.


Doing business online includes a lot of aspects and gives many opportunities based on what your goals are. But if you want to make the most of your service, don’t underestimate the significance of Facebook and its indexes. As you can see, when improving your Facebook page, people’s factor is very important. Everything mentioned above includes interaction between customers and your business: likes, shares, reviews, etc. Users are tired of soulless pages that are just service catalogs. They want an individual approach. They want communication. So don’t hesitate to reach new customers via this channel. Good luck!

About the author


Evelina Brown

I am a digital marketer with more than 10 years of experience. I am a contributor to Content Marketing Institute and regularly quoted as an expert in large media outlets. My job is to make your business known all over the Internet.